Dr. Marc LeBel was extensively trained over many years by Dr. Paul Nogier, MD, in the fields of Dr.Nogier’s own Auriculotherapy and Auriculomedicine. Dr. LeBel is the leading expert in those fields in North America. He was concurrently trained in the connected fields of homeopathy, herbology, nutrition, deep tissue work, Total Postural Reprogramming (TPR), Shiatsu and Jin Shin Do Acupressure.   

In 1991, after 7 years of preceptorship work with Dr. Paul Nogier, MD, Dr. LeBel became the first American member of the Ecole Internationale Paul Nogier (EIPN) --the Paul Nogier International School. Formed exclusively of Dr. Nogier's direct students, the school's mission is to uphold the spirit and safeguard the integrity of Dr. Paul Nogier's teachings and inventions as well as to promote and maintain the highest standards of practice and service to patients in the primary healthcare modalities of Dr. Nogier's creations: Auriculomedicine and Auriculotherapy.

Dr. LeBel's work focuses on seeing patients needing the benefits of Auriculomedicine (an alternative healthcare modality complemented with the adjunctive healthcare disciplines of homeopathy, herbology and proper diet refined through meticulous food-testing (to identify dietary allergies/intolerances and proper diet-planning) effective oxygenation of the body through aerobic exercise and stretching – as promoted, for instance, in yoga and meditation. In brief, all aspects of energized healthy living, aiming to maintain good health and positive, energetic happy living. 

Dr. LeBel has published in the field of Auriculomedicine and Posturology via duxlucisbooks.com or Dux Lucis Books on amazon. As founding vice-president of ICAMAR.org (The International College of Auriculomedicine and Auriculotherapy Review), he currently dedicates his off-practice time to working with a dynamic group of international colleagues – a number of whom were Dr. Paul Nogier's early direct students who, by now, as friends and colleagues for over three decades, work together to round out the publishing of Dr. Paul Nogier's works in the English language for his worldwide readership. 


  • B.A. (1969); M.A. (1973): University of Sherbrooke, Canada

  • C.A. (1981) California State License in Acupuncture 

  • O.M.D. (1983) Doctorate in Oriental Medicine, (1980 & 1983) California Acupuncture College Graduate, Los Angeles, USA

  • H.M.D. (1991) Doctorate in Homeopathic Medicine, Hahnemann College of Homeopathy, London, UK

  • Retired as Academic Dean and Clinical Director of the California Acupuncture College (September 1986) 

  • Diploma in Advanced Acupuncture from the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China (1984)

  • Dr. LeBel is an associate member of the California Medical Homeopathy Association and the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)

  • Fellow of the Auriculomedicine and Auriculotherapy Academy (AMATA) in Europe

  • Certified by the American Association of Medical Naturopathy (N.M.D.)

  • California Acupuncture Board certified acupuncturist and a former California Acupuncture State Board examiner

Dr. LeBel welcomes all your questions and will gladly answer them as part of your evaluation once you have made your first appointment with him by dialing 310-396-6582, Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm, except Wednesday afternoons from 12pm.