Our services.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Blends ancient healing wisdom to contemporary scientific, holistic thinking. Somatic points stimulation, herbal treatments, movement and breathing techniques and/or relaxation exercises may be recommended to re-establish vital balance in your mind and body.

  • Soft-tissue Massage/ Acupressure

    Providing muscle tension release and realignment of your body segments for a fitter, more flexible and pain-free you.

  • Biotherapeutics

    Homeopathy, Gemmotherapy; natural medications which utilize minute amounts of herbs and/or minerals to help build up the body's immunity -- to withstand illness; to safely eliminate environmental toxins and other toxic elements often derived from the habitual ingestion of devitalized foods.

  • Nutritional Counseling and Food Intolerance Testing

    Personalized food-testing through Auriculomedicine determines what your optimal, individual diet ought to be. We've made customized nutrition an integral part of our overall approach to your healthcare. We offer flexible dietary options based on your medical history, body type, needs and goals.

  • Herbology

    Scientifically-researched and evidence-based standard and/or customized herbal compounds designed to quickly and naturally heal your body. No side effects and no harmful chemical residues.